A short video

I need to find some time to documents some of the components of the computer, but for now you will have to make do with a short video of it in action.


So far you can load the root directory from an SD card, load and/or run a file, and inspect the contents of memory. The file format is the same as C64 with the load address in the first two bytes.

The kernel also contains a number of functions related to the LCD screen and to e.g. display menus and allow for selection of an item, etc.

The little timer in the upper right hand corner is an IRQ wedge I was testing. The system runs an IRQ that updates the screen, reads the buttons, etc. It also allows you to wedge your own IRQ routine (and continue system IRQ if you so chose) which is what I am testing in the boot.prg file I load in the video.

6502 Homebrev Overview

Below is the full schematic of my 6502 homebrew computer, as it stands today. I have a couple of expansions in mind, incl. RS232 serial interface, that is not yet hooked up. The main components are:

I will go into more detail on sub-components in future blog posts and later also on the programming/code.

Hello 6502

Having coded on the 6502 since I was about 11 years old I wanted to build my own 8-bit computer. I was inspired by Ben Eater’s YouTube series and it has been a lot of fun getting into HW (again). I have extended his design and now have LCD, SD Card, etc. up and running. It has been a great learning experience that I can only recommend! In the following blogs I will detail my design and code further. As I do feel free to comment; I’m a novice HW designer and any suggestions and improvements will be greatly appreciated.

6502 homebrew computer